Beaty Wedding

I met Julia about 15 years ago. We were in youth rodeo together and she was one of the people I instantly hit it off with. We rodeoed together for a few years and then I started high school rodeo and we lost connection for a bit. When I was younger I didn't have Facebook, instagram, or even a phone for that fact (I know, I'm getting old lol) so it was hard to keep in touch with friends. A few years ago I created a Facebook to advertise my business and I am so happy I did because it reconnected me with a lot of my old rodeo friends. Almost two years ago Julia messaged me about shadowing her at a rodeo for some behind the scenes photos and they came out great! It was so nice to get to see her again and since then we have kept in contact. I have done her engagement photos, wedding photos, and in a couple weeks I will be traveling back up to Bedford, VA for her newborn photos.

Julia and Austin's wedding was so beautiful. The Emig Mansion was the perfect vibe for the boho/country look they were going for. Julia looked so beautiful in her dress, it was even the dress she picked out before she had the baby belly and lucky enough, it still fit! When Austin first saw Julia walking in, his reaction said it all. And yes, I took a MILLION photos of him ugly crying, because who doesn't want to see a tough bull rider turn into a big softy when he sees his woman?? I love that Julia wasn't obsessed with capturing the perfect pictures and didn't have specific poses in mind, she lived in the moment the whole night and thats what made the photos so perfect and true to their personalities. These two are the perfect rodeo couple, he bull rides and she barrel races. And did I mention, they are both GORGEOUS!

I can't wait to meet their new little girl and capture another milestone of their life. So stay tuned for some previews!

Hair: Hair by Heather

Flowers by : Bearly Paper

Venue: Emig Mansion Bed and Breakfast